The Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law

« Calling things by the wrong name adds to the affliction of the world. » Albert Camus.


Last modification date Nov. 4, 2015, 10:10 a.m. by msf

Is it possible to refer to this website in research papers, articles, notes …?

Yes, this website is intended to be share. To quote the website, please use the following reference : Bouchet-Saulnier Françoise, The Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law, 2015, available online :

In order to quote the book, please use the following reference : Bouchet-Saulnier Françoise, The Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law, Ed. Rowman & Littlefield, Plymouth, 2013.

In how many languages is the Practical Guide translated ?

The Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law has been translated in 7 languages: French, English, Arabic, Russian, Portuguese, Turkish, and Spanish.

How are the articles organised?

The articles are organised into an alphabetic index, which helps you to quickly and easily find a specific article. For an intuitive navigation, each entry is integrated into a broader category, which facilitates browsing between entries belonging to the same theme family. For example, the category “Children” contains the articles “Adoption”, “Family’, ‘”UNICEF’. The category “Health” contains the articles such as “Medical services”, “Medical personnel”, “Protected areas”…

How are the articles updated ?

With this website, each article is regularly updated and improved, according to the news. For example, the article “International Criminal Court” will be updated if a new case reaches the Court. The articles are also often modified if there are new member States to a Convention.

How are the international conventions organised?

The international conventions are gathered in the tab “International Conventions”. You will also find the index of ratifications by country and by convention to allow you to find the information at any time on the law applicable in a given country. If you click on the link “see the file”, you will have access to each Convention’s content. In order to make this referencing complete, the category “Ratified conventions by countries” contains the list per country of each ratified convention.

How can I buy the Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law?

You can buy the Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law online : Rowman & Littlefield

How can I join MSF ?

To join our teams, you can be a volunteer or work on the field. To get more information about volunteering or working in the field, we suggest you to contact Médecins Sans Frontières in your country. They will give you information regarding the possibilities to join them as a volunteer.